Monday 8 April 2013

Timeline!date=2355 BC-08-10_00:19:15!

2 things I liked was the easy pasting and the unique style

i dont have 2 things i didnt like

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Introduce ourself

Give out opinions

Argue about if it’s good or not

Out of 10 Amit 2/10 George 3/10 Jack 10/10!

Talk about singer

Jack gets outvoted. Video is voted terrible.

Thursday 28 February 2013

To This Day

This video did not affect me as much as it might effect others. Mainly because I think I have never experienced first hand what being bullied is like. this being said, It was still a very well done video, with many visuals to keep you wanting to watch more. The poem itself has many great lines like "I hate porkchops" (watch video to understand) and does a very good job of expressing how bullying can effect you. I think the best way to avoid all that is to stand up for yourself, and show people that you to are also another human being, capable of doing many of the things anyone else can do. In the end, if you stand your ground and keep in the back of your mind how important  life is, you will end up happy, free of bullies, and can live out a normal life with lots of other people who went through the same things as you. Most of the time, even the bullies will mature and become better people. Some things will want to stay in your mind and haunt you, but its up to YOU to decide if you want to live out the rest of your life with or without them.

The only person who can tell you how you want to deal with life is really, you.